Sunday, April 29, 2007

Excellent Poverty Blog Post

While perusing the 'net today - I found this excellent post. Most people don't think about how investments and foreign aid are actually used in the government and business of a nation more than in social programs and general welfare. This does create an imbalance whereby the money goes into places that want everything done as cheaply as possible in order to make the greatest profit. Thus creating low wages and high taxes. Then more money gets siphoned from the poor and powerless to the rich and powerful, a treacherous cycle.

I recommend reading this post.


Anonymous said...

it's terribly frightening to see the intersections of bigotry, racism, misogyny, and other oppression with poverty. such an overwhelming task to undertake. i applaud your efforts and will be back.

Anonymous said...

thanks a lot for bilding up this page! There should be more people encouraged like you!Greetings from Switzerland.
I`ll be back!